The Podcast Sessions #1: Freakonomics

freakonomics podcast

  • Description: a podcast, a biweekly segment on Marketplace, and a series of one-hour programs broadcasted on public radio stations across the country [that be the US I'll assume].
  • Hosts: Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner
  • Their Description: It began when New York journalist and author Stephen J. Dubner went to Chicago to write about award-winning economist Steven D. Levitt for The New York Times Magazine. Dubner had been reluctant to take the assignment (he was in the middle of writing a book about the psychology of money). Levitt was reluctant to be shadowed by a journalist (but his mother loved the Times Magazine, so he gave in). The article came out, and led to an unexpected partnership. Levitt and Dubner wrote Freakonomics, a book about cheating teachers, bizarre baby names, self-dealing Realtors, and crack-selling mama’s boys. They figured it would sell about 80 copies. Instead, it took up long-term residency on the Times best-seller list, and went on to sell more than 4 million copies in 35 languages. Then they wrote SuperFreakonomics. It also became a worldwide best-seller. A lot of other stuff happened, too. A blog. A documentary film. Jon Stewart and Beauty and the Geek! Lectures. A pair of pants. A radio show. Not bad for a partnership born of such profound reluctance.

Any Regular Podcast People Out There ? (mp3) Says:
Verging on clinical just from a production side of things, this is most probably one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to. Almost perfect in every way - is that scientifically possible ? That question may well be a podcast of the future.

In a way and in short it takes a subject that by it’s very topic you may be turned off by - example en route - and makes it highly entertaining. Fair enough, if you are a Britney or a Whitney, then I guess you may be the exception but, I chose to listen to The Church of Scionology as my intro to the podcast and was absolutely blown away. A comparable ? I can’t find one. As it stands they are The Harlem Globe Trotters of the audio world. Go listen and tell me I’m wrong.

A gist of my first taste…. Ever adopted someone to be the heir to your Donald Trump-esque million dollar empire of a business - at 25- 27 years of age ? What about the fact that the first thing you might ever taste - ever -at just seconds/ minutes old/ a brand new born baby - could be Budweiser ? Both the aforementioned are fact. And that is just one podcast.

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Wanna let me know about a podcast - see The Podcast Sessions post for details.

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

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