Movie News 16/03/09
Start here and work down. Forrest Gump in 1 minute: MacGyver? The Movie? Hell yes!! Now we just pray they don’t recast it and make it a comedy with Will Ferrell. Richard Dean Anderson ftw. That guy from stuff, Ron Silver, passed away yesterday, aged 62. I know him mostly from his role in The West Wing, but he is probably best known for his role in Reversal of Fortune with Jeremy Irons. Matt Damon has confirmed they are going ahead with the fourth Bourne movie. Inevitable, but not bad news. JJ Abrahms, while discussing Star Trek recently, hinted that the Cloverfield sequel has a good idea behind it. He has always said a sequel would never be a business decision and would only go ahead if they could make a good movie. I’m not sure how he could follow up the brilliant Blair Witch/Godzilla mashup. We’ll see… I saw … There’s more