About Dermot

60 % of the time, I work all the time.

You HAVE to hear: Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran is an awesome “new” musician. I say new, yet Wikipedia says he’s been gigging over 5 years now. Wikipedia also says that Janis Joplin speed-walked everywhere and was afraid of toilets. Nonetheless, he’s fairly new to me. Most people will recognise him from his hit song “The A-Team”. If you don’t, go listen to it. Loike, now. He’s got a new album out very soon. It’s titled, “+”, and is released for digital download in Ireland on September 9th and generally on September 12th. The video below is a live studio recording of one of the songs on the album, and also new single, “You Need Me, I Don’t Need You”, which is out now. This is all recorded on the spot, with a loop pedal. It’s, like, acoustic hip-hop, guys! Personally, I think it’s genius. Very fresh. Like menthol. It’s like a beautiful fresh breeze of menthol, … There’s more

Rolling In The Deep

New Adele track folks. On first listen I’m thinking - okay.. good beat. Quite a catchy tune. Great vocals as would be expected from Adele. Still sticking in my head the more I listen to it but can’t help but think there’s a bit that just blatantly sounds like another bit from a Bee Gee’s song. It does seem to be another song about a torn relationship but of course, make your own interpretation of it. Love the structure of the song. Good mix of instruments. The track is set to footage of her recording the album ’21′ in Malibu last summer. Check it out below.

Vote Now - IMRO Awards 2010


December see’s the return of IMRO‘s “Live Music Venue of the Year Awards” for the third consecutive year. Previous ceremonies have called upon member’s of IMRO (over 7,000) to vote for their personal top choice of venue, judging them on everything from ambience and setting, to promotion and music quality. However, this year IMRO are also taking the public vote into account, which is, to be wholly honest, the only fair way to judge a venue. After all, the people voting are (presumably) the ones who have actually gone to the event. Thumbs up in mah books. Log on to The Official IMRO Awards Page before 25th November and cast a vote for your top choice for Live Music Venue of the Year. The result of this public vote will be added to the IMRO members votes and the venue which polls the most support will be awarded the IMRO … There’s more


This. Band. Is. Good. The official music video for Canterbury’s new single “Calm Down” available 25.10.2010: Sun 10 Oct @ 18:00 — Speakeasy, Belfast (£8.50) Mon 11 Oct @ 19:00 — Academy 2, Dublin (€13) Tue 12 Oct @ 21:00 — Old Oak (18+), Cork (Free Entry) www.canterburythankyou.com

Hubba Hubba

Last Saturday myself and this dude over here took a quick peek into the new Playstation® Hub in Dublin. By quick peek I do obviously mean stayed there for ages and acted the eejits. Even so, its pretty damn cool. What’s better than free gaming and a chance to check out new technology? ‘Druuuuuuugs’ would normally be the answer but this “did the job”. To be able to walk straight in (free admission) and just start playing I thought was very interesting. I’ve never heard or known of anywhere like this. Sure, you can play short demo’s in places like Gamestop and the like but The Hub gives you the opportunity to play some exciting new PS3 game releases (Grand Turismo 5 and Killzone 3 to name a couple) and to test out the new Playstation® Move technology (Playstation’s took-way-longer-to-make-but-is-still-basically-the-same version of Wii motion sensing, in case ya hadn’t heard..) … There’s more

Bonzo - 25th September 1980

I’d say it wasn’t even a year ago since an avid fan, one of my close mates, told me to start listening to Zeppelin. Low and behold, I instantly understood why. I always had heard of them - always read about people praising them - never really taking any of it to heart. A lot of drummers get hassle in that people say they are easily replaceable.. Personally, I’m not one to generalise. However, I found the more you listen to Zeppelin the more you simply cannot apply the same reasoning because Bonham was the ultimate drummer. He had everything and more. For that reason we should celebrate his life. The time for mourning has long passed. On 25/9/10 we shall honour the styles and talent of the man in the Sugar Club Leeson St. Only a tenner in, and a showcase of pure talent. (Naughty! Not like that) Details as … There’s more

Green Day at Marlay Park

As the concert came to an end, and as Billy sang Wake Me Up When September Ends, it began to rain more heavily. Here comes the rain again, Falling from the stars, Drenched in my pain again, Becoming who we are. It was almost something cinematic. It meant something to all of us. And Billy, writing that song in honour of his father, it had to have had a profound effect on him. Green Day last night was the single most overwhelming thing I’ve ever been a part of. I cannot even try to imagine a show that will ever top that. All the synonyms of “incredible” together would still never describe what I witnessed last night.

Our Music World - The Brits, The Machines, The Hendrix

Rage Against The Machine have announced they will play The 02 this June. The alternative rock band have confirmed a June 8th gig in Dublin, 2 days after their “X Factor victory gig” in London’s Finsbury Park on June 6th. It’s the band’s first Irish gig since their set at Oxegen 08. Sure to be exciting. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster.ie from 9am (GMT) on Friday (February 19) and priced between €65.70 - €70.70. Feck’s sake! Bit much isn’t it? Click for Tickets So Liam Gallagher had an eventful night at The Brits last night didn’t he? First chucking his microphone into the audience, then the actual award. Furthermore, there’s this backstage interview where he went off on one about “weirdo’s”. Pause at 0:21 for caption-tastic fun. Warning: Explicit Language Peter Kay is 100% right. Knobhead. If you want to watch the knobhead be even more of a knobhead Click … There’s more

Our Music World - Tuesday 16th February 2010

Debt-ridden EMI owners are allegedly listing the legendary Abbey Road Studios for sale. The near 79-year-old iconic recording studios in London were home to illustrious bands The Beatles and Pink Floyd when they were recording their most esteemed work. TheMirror.co.uk have an interesting “10 Things” list about the studios. The Strokes are filming a series of behind-the-scenes look at recording their fourth LP. Part #1 is below. It’s pretty funny in parts. Definitely worth the 9 minutes if you’re a Strokes fan and you want to see what goes on when a band tries to record. Oh, and you will hear the start of a new song titled ‘Taken For A Fool’. Kinda cool. Video is below. Alternative/indie-rock band We Are Scientists are set to release album #3. To kick off, the duo have announced a special date at Hoxton Bar & Grill in London on February 23. Unfortunately for … There’s more

Our Music World - Sunday 14th Febuary 2010

Hey it’s that guy again. Which guy? That guy DermotBuckley who always gets invites to super cool press screenings and doesn’t do a wink of work to deserve it. Oh yeah. That guy. What an ass. Anywhoodles. Here! I have brought upon ye faithful culchies some news! News from thy beautiful world o muzik. Wolfmother have unveiled their brand spankin’ new video. Whoop. The track was described as “immensely likeable” by Pop Matters (it doesn’t..). White Feather is an awesome song. I think it’s very cool that a type of music that was more commonly heard more in the 70s/80s can still be appreciated in today’s world. Wolfmother put a great modern twist on such music and I think that’s why they have quite the diverse fan base. Kate Nash‘s new album, Crayon Full Of Colour (working title) is due out on April 19. The Irish-born English singer now based … There’s more

A Decade Of Aspiration

Not only is it a new year, but it is a new decade. I’m not a man for new year’s resolutions. I personally think that they are far too cliché. However, I do like mixing things up. Putting a twist on things. So. I think it would be great if we all could commit to a new decade’s resolution. Something which each of us will look back at on December 31st, 2019, when we are with friends and/or family. It should be something that you will do which will make you smile and laugh when you look back on it. Or maybe something that will make you feel proud of yourself, like something you’ve always thought of and said “Man. I’d love to that some day”. You can share with us by posting a comment below. Or you don’t have to share at all. Wouldn’t it be a fantastic feeling … There’s more

I’m A Celebrity.. Yes I’m Actually Watching It

So I’ve been watching the latest series of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. I’ve always liked the show. Some people say that the show is past its day in the spotlight and I’ve got to admit, I had the same impression too last season. I’d say I had watched the opening show last season and then I forgot that it was actually on. This year’s show has grabbed my attention for some reason. I actually think it’s quite good. I’m not crazy. Really. I’m not If you’ve been watching the show like myself then I’m sure you’ve read the posts here and here and know about the contestants and whatnot. Still can’t believe Kim Woodburn is in the jungle. Kim from How Clean Is Your House. Would’ve been funnier to watch Jillian McKeefe from How Clean Is Your Poo going in but I’ll settle for this. Still, … There’s more