Tech: Microsoft Office 365

As part of the launch of Microsoft 365, Microsoft are talking about how technology in general helps people to save time and spend it with their families, relaxing or doing other worthwhile things. Not too sure about the marathons, housework or the social calendar for that matter. Of note also…. Surface Windows RT will be available from 14th February in Ireland as well as in twelve other European countries. With that Microsoft has more than doubled the number of countries in which Surface RT is sold and it can be purchased from Feb 14, 2013 in the Microsoft Store online Surface Windows RT will also be available in the coming weeks through retail in Ireland.

The Dicks Who Came In From The Cold


As you may have read before, we’re fans of Irish internet sitcom ‘Vultures PI’, and the lads rounded out the final season with “The Dicks Who Came In From The Cold” last week. This series has dealt with the lads and their mundane lifestyles after retirement but are they about to be pulled back together to fight crime once again? This episode sees Janine Drew finally going through with her promise to quit college. After watching Janine’s detective documentary, crime novelist Kate Marple hires the ambitious young sleuth to help her write an expose of rumoured crime boss Johnny Curragh (guy you shouldn’t mess with). In the meantime, former dicks McGrain, Vultour and Tennyson have been brought together for a Christmas reunion by an unknown party. Everything comes to a head in this festive finale which should answer the question posed by the first episode of the new series ‘Where … There’s more

Meeting Windows 8

Meet Patrick Ward, Windows Business Group Lead for Microsoft Ireland. listen to ‘Patrick Ward, Windows8 lead, Microsoft Ireland’ on Audioboo Disclaimer of the blog world and etc’s come first and on that note my meet last week did not come via Also Windows/ PCWorld gifted me a brand spanking new fandango Samsung All-in-one PC. And yes it is very lovely. Also very highly recommended. That aside and out of the way, if you wanna know about Windows8 - what better man to talk to than this fellow. Maybe of interest, I first trialed Windows8 well before its launch, with a demo first from Patrick and I was then left to my own devices on a Samsung Slate for a period of about 4 days. The Slate is pictured above top. Not much more required to type. Apart from a big thank you to PC World Jervis Street for the … There’s more

The Sodshow wins Best Podcast 2012

You’ll forgive us if this entry isn’t an album or event review but we had to mark a big achievement by one of our contributors. The Sodshow, Ireland’s garden radio show and podcast, airs live every Friday at 3pm on Dublin City 103.2 Fm and is available around tea-time that evening in podcast. Winning the Best Irish Podcast at the Blog Awards Ireland 2012 recently, Peter Donegan had this to say: It’s great for Irish gardening and horticulture. The Sodshow is a great Irish-born and bred radio show and podcast for those that are serious about their horticulture as much as it is for those that simply like to sit on their garden bench. Gardening and gardens in whatever format you enjoy them should at a very minimum make you smile. The Sodshow very simply retells that story. We owe a massive note of thanks to The Sodshow sponsors … There’s more

Comedy: Vultures

You like to laugh don’t you? Of course you do, you dirty bitch. Well pay attention because this may make you do just that. If it doesn’t? Well we don’t know what to tell you. Irish detective web-series Vultures returns with a new series to your local computer screen. Probably the one you are looking at right now. Aye, we see ye. We at love a good detective story particularly one with the word ‘dicks’ in the title. The new episode features student detective Janine Drew as she makes a documentary about unemployed detectives in Ireland and tries to find out what happened to the former dicks of Vultures Private Investigations. Starring Suzanne O’Brien (Janine Drew), Sean Hackett (Niall Tennyson), John Morton (Jim Vultour) and David Thompson (Dan McGrain) it’s worth a look. The first of four; episodes will go online monthly between now and June. Produced by Mycrofilms, … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw: All Your Gotye Are Belong To Us

Gotye must be a mixed-up pup at the moment. The thirtysomething Belgian-Aussie has been making music since his teens, enjoying the slow, steady build befitting his workhorse tendencies. He’s released seven albums as a solo artist and as part of his band, The Basics, and has accumulated a healthy smattering of awards and accolades. Then his latest album, Making Mirrors, exploded like a microwaved bullfrog and now, all over the globe, people are yodelling along to second single Somebody That I Used To Know with wildly varying degrees of success. For Gotye is no longer a mere popstar. Gotye has become a living meme. It’s a sign of the times. This is the Age Of Information, and once something becomes a cultural phenomenon, it becomes… communal. Have you ever seen an artist go from indie unknown to pop superstar to global tummy-tickle as quickly as Gotye has? Once Somebody captured … There’s more

Volta: Irish Video on Demand

This past Thursday, saw the launch of Volta, a new Irish video on demand service offering a pay-as-you-go rather than subscription access, to a catalogue of Irish and international independent films titles. Obviously, its launch has occurred whether by coincidence or design within weeks of Netflix, a service with a global presence. Volta has less scope in its vision than Netflix, but it is a worthy one, as the service offers an outlet for home-grown material and the type of productions that won’t have a Bruckheimer-sized budget to make you feel a lesser person if you haven’t seen it. Adding to the unique quotient of the service, there is differing pricing to allow you stream (€3.99) or download (€6.99) your choices, some of which will be released on the same day and date as their theatrical release. Again, such an approach will serve well the limited budgets, scale of release … There’s more

Red Bull Launch Bedroom Jam Competition

Pictured below are band-of-the-hour The Minutes (see what we did there? ) rocking out at last night’s launch of the Red Bull Bedroom Jam at The Workman’s Club. If you think you’d look that good on stage and have the talent to back it up, then read on, this could be your big moment. Bedroom Jam is offering young Irish bands the chance to seriously kick-start their careers by performing at Irish music festivals in 2012, with the ultimate winner bagging a chance to record at the Red Bull Studio next autumn. We’re particularly interested in this competition because it relies heavily on how cool you are on the internet … or how well you can promote yourself at least… and we’re all about the internet self-promotion in Culch Towers. To enter Bedroom Jam, bands need to upload a video of themselves performing to the competition website, between now … There’s more

Fecquin Hilarious

If you’ve logged onto the internet at all in the last couple of months, you’ll probably have heard me bleating on, and on, and on about my recent move back home to rural South County Galway, a place with rocks where fields should be and reality where Killinaskully should be. Since I got settled back in Connacht, I’ve struggled with how best to explain this reclaimed lifestyle to my urbane urbanites back in my adopted city of Cork. Should I send them photos of cows in flagrante delicto? Elderly priests falling off their bicycles? Perhaps videos of boy racers speeding their Massey Fergusons up and down the community school car park? For a while, it was as perplexing a quandary as our disappearing lakes. And then Garry Carroll sorted it for me, just as he had sorted Fade Street and Coldplay. I should never have doubted him. Garry Carroll, also … There’s more

Events: do Sing for Simon 24 hour carolathon on Friday December 16th (come join us!)

Last year, Team Culch got together with Randomers From the Internet to take a slot at the Simon Community’s Sing for Simon 24 hour carolathon and it went so well that we’re doing it again this year. Taking place from 5pm on Friday December 16th until 5pm on Saturday December 17th, the carolathon raises money for Dublin Simon Community and just like last year we’ve taken the 1am - 3am slot. WE WANT YOU TO SING WITH US! The Simon Community are raising money to provide services for homeless people and the more voices we can add to the choir, the more impact we’ll have and the more vital cash we can entice out of passers-by with our good looks and awesome tunes. You don’t need to be an amazing singer to do this! While we are doing it for charity, it’s also an opportunity for those of us who … There’s more

The Podcast Sessions #7: 5 Best Independent [Irish] Podcast[er]s

At the Irish Web Awards 2011, 5 Irish Podcasts made the finalists list in the category Best Independent Podcaster. The winners of the category were of course The fabulous gents of The Comic Cast. To note, The Podcast Sessions are not reviews as such more a noting of podcasts you might like. This is neither a review of the IWA’s [The Sociable is just one that does a far better job than I ever could at that] or any podcast. My problem is finding the podcasts I like. And to be fair, there are some great ones out there. Some from the man on the street, some from the big boys of the media world – some, like my own, maybe, fall in the middle ground and often somtimes don’t get that little umph or simply an applause/ notoriety/ pat on the back for the hard work that they deserve. … There’s more

7 Deadly Wins #1: The Underrated Moments of #Aras11

In 7 Deadly Wins Sinéad Keogh counts down, in no particular order, her favourite little moments of the 2011 presidential race in the seven day run up to polling day. I have loved every moment of the politicking and furious duck and dive of #aras11 but perhaps none more than Today FM’s Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show asking the candidates a question a day this week to learn more about them as people. Yesterday’s question, ‘What’s your guilty pleasure?’ drew some amazing responses. Tuning in, I thought I had hit on some satire in the Today FM tradition but what makes this even more awesome is that it’s real. I can only assume it was edited together from soundbites captured on the campaign trail, but I love to think that it happened a room, in the order it was broadcast, and that despite everyone else answering with a food, Gay Mitchell … There’s more

The Podcast Sessions #6: Scibernia

Podcast name: Scibernia In Short: with help from Near FM - Scibernia is a bi-monthly podcast exploring science in Ireland, and beyond. Hosts: The Scibernia Team - more than two. Their Description: We are a loose collective of science enthusiasts, tech nerds, wandering journalists, radio lovers, and people who enjoy Periodic Table Scrabble (we’ll explain later). Each podcast aims to bring you the latest science news, debate and analysis from around Ireland and further afield. Says: If you’ve followed the Podcast Sessions so far, you’ll have a rough idea that the US [hat tip & compliment btw] have it fairly stitched up in the turning geekery and science into matters of relevance that create intrigue. They do it so very well - but, they do so in a sort of story telling type of way and generally the podcast has one anchor and one host. Scibernia, however breaks that … There’s more