Hands on with FIFA 11
Most of my mates know that FIFA 10 is the game I play most on my Xbox 360. The 2010 iteration tempted me across from years of playing and loving Pro Evolution, which was no mean feat. The two competing titles, FIFA and Pro Evo, have been at loggerheads for years with fan boys on both sides proclaiming their title as the superior. However with last year’s releases, there was a consensus amongst critics that FIFA had surpassed Pro Evo for the first time, indeed becoming the biggest selling sports title ever. The gameplay has been honed over the years and, along with the official license, means that it has the edge. So can FIFA maintain that lead into 2011? I travelled to EA’s headquarters in London to find out. FIFA 2011 on PC The day kicks off with a presentation given by Ian Jarvis who is the producer on … There’s more