Sweary’s Jaw: Lines of Charlie

His most recent meltdown may have left some of you in a heightened state of befuddlement, but those of us who like to keep abreast of celebrity carry-on were never in any doubt that Charlie Sheen is more mental than nerd-rage. The horrendously public split from Denise Richards, the charges of domestic violence, the loud n’ proud addictions to gambling and pornography, the airplane full of hookers: Charlie Sheen is nothing if not entertaining, so long as you’ve not been saddled with a conscience and have plenty viewing capacity from behind your sofa. A Hollywood brat allergic to taking anything seriously, it was never likely Mr. Carlos Estevez would bow out of the limelight gracefully, as Husband, or Father; even with a Delorean and a helpful professor at your disposal, I wouldn’t recommend popping to the 80s to bet on 2011′s Charlie Sheen moving in with two porn stars and … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw: Unbeliebable.

I don’t remember where I was when Robbie Williams left Take That. Taking into account that I’m from Galway, I was probably stoned in a ditch somewhere. I do remember, though, that they had to open phone helplines in the UK, so distraught were TT fans. There was mass weeping and wringing of hands. There were snotty sleeves from Cornwall to Inverness. There was live footage on reputable news shows of howling teenage girls hanging onto one another for dear life, gurning through puffered-closed eyes at the cameras. It was bloody horrible. I didn’t understand it then, and even with the benefit of hindsight, I don’t understand it now. You’d swear Paul Ince was after leaving Man Utd or something. I’m reminded of such hormonal tsunamis as the Robbie Williams Meltdown whenever I see a Bieber-bot on Twitter. I shouldn’t really call them Bieber-bots, because they’re not really bots, and … There’s more

Rolling In The Deep

New Adele track folks. On first listen I’m thinking - okay.. good beat. Quite a catchy tune. Great vocals as would be expected from Adele. Still sticking in my head the more I listen to it but can’t help but think there’s a bit that just blatantly sounds like another bit from a Bee Gee’s song. It does seem to be another song about a torn relationship but of course, make your own interpretation of it. Love the structure of the song. Good mix of instruments. The track is set to footage of her recording the album ’21′ in Malibu last summer. Check it out below.

Culch.ie Catch-Up 23

It’s been a while since we did a Culch.ie Catch-Up and there’s been a lot going on lately. Have a glance through the categories below and see if there’s anything you missed. There’s plenty to keep you going for the afternoon. Upcoming Events Chalks at the Complex Smithfield - until Sat 8 May Nouveau Vaudeville Cabaret Night - Sat 8 May International Gay Theatre Festival - 3 to 16 May Absolut Gay Theatre Festival - 3 to 16 May Shawshank Redemption in the Gaiety - 5 to 29 May Competitions Win tickets to Cathy Davy in Olympia on 14 May Wins tickets to Pendulum at the Olympia on 18 May Win a Samsung S3500 mobile by entering any Culch competition before 20 May Film Reviews of Iron Man 2 and Cemetary Junction

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously fretting over which rock this Justin Bieber kiddie crawled out from under, so you don’t have to. There’s a good reason for my sleb-related silence of late, and it has nothing to do with my growing up a tad. I haven’t been poisoning you with snippets on celebrity slip-ups because, Lord help us, celebrities have been so bloody boring lately. It’s Awards Season (we all lookin’ forward to this one, yo) so all the kookiness has been reined back and straightjacketed into gowns galore - oh, the gowns! Oh, the lipstick! Oh, the drudgery of the red carpet! I’m so, so disillusioned with my celebrities these days. They’re acting with the grace and cop on of … well, real people, just with more photoshoppy goodness. Of course, I could start banging on (forgive the pun) about celebrity infidelities, but there’s something very off about airing the dirty linen of … There’s more

Our Music World - The Brits, The Machines, The Hendrix

Rage Against The Machine have announced they will play The 02 this June. The alternative rock band have confirmed a June 8th gig in Dublin, 2 days after their “X Factor victory gig” in London’s Finsbury Park on June 6th. It’s the band’s first Irish gig since their set at Oxegen 08. Sure to be exciting. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster.ie from 9am (GMT) on Friday (February 19) and priced between €65.70 - €70.70. Feck’s sake! Bit much isn’t it? Click for Tickets So Liam Gallagher had an eventful night at The Brits last night didn’t he? First chucking his microphone into the audience, then the actual award. Furthermore, there’s this backstage interview where he went off on one about “weirdo’s”. Pause at 0:21 for caption-tastic fun. Warning: Explicit Language Peter Kay is 100% right. Knobhead. If you want to watch the knobhead be even more of a knobhead Click … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously knowing who Tila Tequila is, so you don’t have to. There’s something about the middle of February that makes one think of lurve, is there not? Cupid’s arrows, gay Paris, two-person snuggies, last rolos, finding your tongue halfway down an Arts student’s throat in a traffic light disco… Valentine’s Day, you say? That would be it, alright. Well, you’re not alone. There is a yawning chasm between us Normals and our fame-swollen heroes at the best of times, but you can hardly call drunk-texting and crying in a karaoke booth to Mariah Carey’s “Without You” the best of times, now can you? You are never closer in your orbit of the stars than you are on Valentine’s Day, because, as I’m about to show you, even celebrities can’t resist making twats of themselves for l’amour. And if you define l’amour as “that funny feeling you get in yer kecks … There’s more

Our Music World - Tuesday 16th February 2010

Debt-ridden EMI owners are allegedly listing the legendary Abbey Road Studios for sale. The near 79-year-old iconic recording studios in London were home to illustrious bands The Beatles and Pink Floyd when they were recording their most esteemed work. TheMirror.co.uk have an interesting “10 Things” list about the studios. The Strokes are filming a series of behind-the-scenes look at recording their fourth LP. Part #1 is below. It’s pretty funny in parts. Definitely worth the 9 minutes if you’re a Strokes fan and you want to see what goes on when a band tries to record. Oh, and you will hear the start of a new song titled ‘Taken For A Fool’. Kinda cool. Video is below. Alternative/indie-rock band We Are Scientists are set to release album #3. To kick off, the duo have announced a special date at Hoxton Bar & Grill in London on February 23. Unfortunately for … There’s more

Our Music World - Sunday 14th Febuary 2010

Hey it’s that guy again. Which guy? That guy DermotBuckley who always gets invites to super cool press screenings and doesn’t do a wink of work to deserve it. Oh yeah. That guy. What an ass. Anywhoodles. Here! I have brought upon ye faithful culchies some news! News from thy beautiful world o muzik. Wolfmother have unveiled their brand spankin’ new video. Whoop. The track was described as “immensely likeable” by Pop Matters (it doesn’t..). White Feather is an awesome song. I think it’s very cool that a type of music that was more commonly heard more in the 70s/80s can still be appreciated in today’s world. Wolfmother put a great modern twist on such music and I think that’s why they have quite the diverse fan base. Kate Nash‘s new album, Crayon Full Of Colour (working title) is due out on April 19. The Irish-born English singer now based … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

If you weren’t already painfully aware that we’ve hit awards season, here’s a visual clue. I’m absolutely bored feckless by the whole shebang already (although I’m tickled to hear that Sandra “Everbeige” Bullock is in the running for an Oscar and a Razzie in the same weekend, though tragically not for the same movie.) So here’s some non-razzlydazzly news as an antidote to all the gushing and ego-nuzzling. Without further adon’t, then. One time, Mel Gibson was the kind of fella you’d find pawing at the Oscars lock-up, but that was before he was taken unawares by the worst case of foot-in-mouth syndrome this side of George Lee. Mr. Gibson, and his trusty sidekick, Mr. Ego, have been in the news recently for … well, calling a reporter a rude, rude word while being interviewed for … well, the news. When asked if he feared his famous anti-Semetic outburst would … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously sending cakes with files in ‘em to Alex Reid, so you don’t have to. Right, let’s get all that’s obligatory out of the way. There’s these yokes called The Grammys, right? Basically, they’re awards given to musicians who already have lots of awards/reward, and they tend to be given in tandem. They were doled out over the weekend to those who’d made a big, safe splash in the world of music this year; Beyonce got ten, Taylor Swift got four, The Black Eyed Peas (who’d have a lot more than black eyes if I ever got as far as them) got three … you see how it goes. They’re awards awarded by, I imagine, elderly dears with very short attention spans. “Well, now, we can’t give that nice girl Beyonkers the Best Rap award, so let’s give it to her husband, sure aren’t they a lovely pair. And give … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously coaxing Chloe Sevigny to get over herself, so you don’t have to. When we use the term “social life”, it’s natural for others to assume that we’re talking about the lighter, more pleasant, more fun side to existence … which is daft, of course, because the difficulty with life is that we are not here alone. We must interact to thrive. Our quality of life depends on how we deal with others - family, etiquette, politics. To lead, or to follow. To conform, to rebel. Life, on one level or another, is social. It’s a truth so obvious it’s almost stupid. Like calling Bob Geldof pompous. Most of us don’t have to worry excessively about how we interact with those in our sphere of influence; we see our loved ones often, our colleagues even more often than that, and it’s rare you’ll put a foot wrong without being well … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptituously calling Leona Lewis … well, kinda crap … so you don’t have to. Dark days are upon us. Now, I know I started last week’s Jaw with a very similar statement, but dark days do tend to drag on, so the sentiment remains. I am also of the very obvious opinion that silly celebrity news - pointless crap for the sake of it - can be a lifesaver when all around you is doom, gloom and bellyaches. But the emphasis must be on silly, which is why we are more likely to cheer on the consciously awful shenanigans of X Factor’s John and Edward, than the unconsciously awful uber-sincerity of its rising star Danyl Johnson, for example. This focus on the daft antics of esteemed celebrities may consequently come across a bit mean-spirited; why focus on lapses in a celebrity’s judgement, when we could focus on achievements, awards, great … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously stalking Beyonce through Brown Thomas’ knickers department, so you don’t have to. With the country under water, the public sector workers out sulking in the rain, and Thierry Henry not yet imprisoned, us lot could do with a larf. But what to do? Comedy Clubs serve expensive drinks, and Twink-baiting is far too dangerous. If only there was a ready source of shits and giggles, gratis, of course, as free and easy as Lindsay Lo… wait! That’s it! Celebrities! Collectively, they provide enough sniggers to keep Mr. T. going for a calendar year, they do. Enough with the faffing about! Let this week’s circus begin! While “normal” teens (ewwww) are frothing at their yellow, crooked gnashers over the Twilight Saga now that New Moon has slithered into the cinema, one could deduce that it’s absolutely refreshing that Ms. Miley Cyrus, a.k.a. Hannah Montana, a.k.a. Billie Ray JR, a.k.a. the … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously establishing who in Jaysus’s name Carrie Prejean is, so you don’t have to. There’s no particular theme to this week’s Jaw, so fans of order and propriety, log off now. Celebrities are creatures of chaos; they inhabit a world where law and order is but a TV show to be peppered with clumsy cameos. They’re hardly going to co-ordinate their stupidity for the likes of me. Besides, most of them have been horrifically boring this week, or horrific non-entities, making them boring by default (I can’t imagine anyone cares whether or not Jordan’s boobs contract malaria). Now that we’ve all gagged on that mental image, we can press on. The latest name in esteemed idiocy is, of course, Calvin Harris. Calvin, head embellished with a pineapple, stormed the stage during John and Edward’s performance on last week’s X Factor with such panache, such focus, that I didn’t even notice … There’s more