Couples Retreat
Thanks to the lovely fellows at, we went along to see Couples Retreat last night, Vince Vaughn’s new movie. I don’t know what it is about Vince Vaughn that makes me like him – I’m not a fan of his films and I certaily don’t think much of his acting prowess, but he just comes across so well in interviews and such that I feel like he’d be someone I’d like to go have a beer with. So, I went into the film expecting little. I didn’t expect the performaces to be mindblowing. I didn’t expect to laugh my arse off. I didn’t expect to be set alight by an incredibly well-crafted script and plot. However, I did expect a light, easy comedy with a few decent laughs, leaving me feeling happy enough at the end. And, my expectations were met. Couples Retreat is not amazing, but it’s fairly … There’s more