Events: The Workman’s Club’s 1st Birthday

For those of you who frequent the place, it might be bloody hard to believe it’s turning the big 1 already, we know we were shocked, but stick it in your diary - the Workman’s Club are having a birthday party. What night, you ask? Pfft. It’s a full week of celebrations from September 5th - 11th so you’ve no excuse for missing it. If you’re not acquainted, The Workman’s Club on Wellington Quay used to be just that - The Dublin Workingmen’s Club. It opened it’s doors back in 1888 and closed them in 2003 and since the place got it’s new lease of life last year you can hear history singing in the walls. History, or whatever band is playing The Venue. Split across a few nubs and hubs of activity from The Venue and The Venue Bar on the ground floor where we’ve caught many a fine … There’s more

Literary Death Match @ The Workman’s Club this Friday 24th June

Feeling a little devoid of intellect? Been watching too many episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians lately? Well here’s a night out to redress the balance and allow you to come across all intelligent and shit. Literary Death Match is a global series of author-readings which happens everywhere from Brooklyn to Berlin and involves local writing talent battling it out on-stage to win over audience and judging panel alike. But don’t worry, it’s not po-faced and exclusive. It’s more like X-Factor for bookworms - except thankfully without the distraction of Simon Cowell’s too-unbuttoned shirt and Chezzel’s ill-advised “outrageous” outfits. LDM comes to Dublin for the fourth time this Friday 24th June in the charmingly shabby-chic surroundings of The Workman’s Club. A fine line up of Irish writing talent will belt out their stuff, competing to take the Death Match crown. They are: poet Niamh MacAlister, BAFTA-nominated writer and director … There’s more