Shame in 60 Seconds: An Empire Done in 60 Seconds Entry

Hiya. You’re gorgeous. Did anyone ever tell you that you have lovely eyes? Will you do us a favour? Our mates Colm and Andy (who also write for Culch, if that sways you in any way, WHICH IT SHOULD) have entered Empire’s Done in 60 Seconds Competition. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s where competitors come up with a 60 second video that tell’s the story of a film that came out in the past year… with any kind of twist they like. There are loads of rules and stuff, but all you really need to know is that the guys have done Shame in 60 seconds, it’s deadly, many scenes were filmed in Culch Towers so you can actually see our beds and stuff if you’re really interested in creeping on us and the guys are hoping to get to the next round of the competition. It’s all … There’s more

Movie Review: Shame

You’ll probably have already heard rumblings about the sexy new adventure Michael Fassbender embarks upon in his newest film Shame. With that in mind, here’s a disclaimer: you will see Michael Fassbender naked in this film. There is full frontal nudity and some sex scenes that might grace a late-night cable channel. If you’re looking for hardcore action…well, you’re already on the internet, what are you doing reading this? If that bothers you don’t go and see this film. Otherwise, read on! With that out of the way, let’s move on to the film itself. Shame sees Fassbender team up once more with Hunger writer/director Steve McQueen. For anybody who still doesn’t know, he’s not that Steve McQueen but rather a big black British guy who is excellent at making films. This story follows Brandon (Fassbender), a successful New York businessman who is addicted to sex. When his sister Sissy … There’s more

Movie Trailer: Shame

It’s Michael Fassbendmeover time! Giddy with excitement and filled with dread (like when your iPod shuffles from Coldplay to Steps and the clash of emotion makes you want to jump around while crying). We’ve all excited about the sexy Fass times but we’ve also heard it’s a bleak tale that will leave you feeling horribly, horribly empty… Our review will be here tomorrow.

Top 10 Movies to Watch 2012

1. The Dark Knight Rises Every Christopher Nolan project is shrouded in secrecy, but what we do know about The Dark Knight Rises makes it arguably the most anticipated film of 2012. With a release date in July, this will be the blockbuster of the summer. Tom Hardy plays Bane, Anne Hathaway Catwoman and an all-star cast which includes Joseph Gordon-Levitt may be a clue to how this trilogy will end. Fanboys have been circulating theories for months, but one fact is well known; this will be Nolan’s last Batman project as director and he will most definitely go out with a bang. 2. The Avengers All those side projects (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor) have been leading up to the big one. Oh, and by the way, 2012 will be Tom Hiddleston’s year…

Oscar Predictions: Best Actor

Oscar Predictions: Best Actor*   I write this post today in the knowledge that the Academy has yet again made a dumbfounding decision to leave Senna out of the long list for nominations for Best Documentary ahead of next year’s ceremony. With this in mind, it leads me to believe there will be no real surprises from the Awards next year. This has been stressed before, this blog series is to prove just how predictable, and on occasion ridiculously wrong, the Academy can be and this week I barely needed to set that up. They have, in one fell swoop, alienated film lovers the world over by leaving out possibly one of the finest documentaries I have ever seen. To twist the knife in further, they will no doubt invent some outlandish rule as to why this has happened “oh well, we couldn’t include that on the nomination list, because, … There’s more