Jennifer Garner and Butter. No, not as exciting as you might think, but mildly interesting all the same - she’s starring in a political satire which follows a young orphan adopted by a couple in the American Midwest who discovers she has a hidden talent. She’s a genius at carving sculptures from butter and must compete with the wife of her town’s former carving champion in the annual competition. According to the writer, Jason Micallef, he “wanted to do a political satire and…was looking for some venue that people take very seriously but is also ridiculous - like politics - but at the same time is really visual.” JJ Abrahms’ new comedy (he produces, while Roger Michell directs) has an impressive cast list. Morning Glory has Jeff Goldblum as the boss of an aspiring news producer, Rachel McAdams, who must save a failing morning TV show by keeping in check … There’s more →