300 Years of Smithwick’s

The following is a guest post by Christian Hughes. Christian is a social media advocate and enthusiast and runs the popular digital marketing blog, Digitology. He can also be found on Twitter: @christianhughes Culch has written about Guinness of late with Arthur’s Day just gone but what many people don’t realise is that Guinness isn’t Ireland’s oldest pint, and St. James’s Gate isn’t Ireland’s oldest brewery! 2010 marks the 300 year birthday for the Smithwick’s St. Francis Abbey Brewery in Kilkenny. To celebrate the milestone, the brewery has thrown open it’s doors and is inviting the public to tour the brewery. Always striving to keep you guys informed and not needing a second invite to view a brewery, Anthony and I were delighted to recently attend a private tour to get the full story.

The Wax Museum Plus is now open in Dublin. Photos and thoughts from a walk around.

Here’s a picture for you. What sort of memories, if any, does it provoke for you? Photo via dkimages.com What about this one? When I was growing up and only getting to Dublin once a year (the sister or meself in the All Ireland Dancing Finals in the Mansion House) there was no greater treat than the National Wax Museum over on Granby Row, Dublin 1. God, I loved the place. As poor as the models were, as dark and dingy and made of plastecine and sticklebricks that it seemed to be and as often as I went there, there was no rival to it, simply because of how bad it was. Bad though in a very entertaining way. The tunnels frightened the bejaysus out of me. I was sorry to hear that it was closing down in 2005 (though at that stage I hadn’t been to it for years) … There’s more

A Dublin walk with Pat Liddy

Sunday last week I was lucky enough to be invited to take part in a walk around Dublin city centre with historian Pat Liddy. Pat is a well-known historian and face around Dublin and what he doesn’t know about Dublin, you could fit on the back of a postage stamp. The walk was to promote a new initiative by Dublin City BID - the Business Improvement District. The BID are a non-profit organisation who are trying to improve the city through removing graffiti, removing rubbish, adding on-street flower displays, new Christmas lights, providing professional Street Ambassadors among others and now they have developed a new initiative of wrapping 14 of those boring, old, grey traffic boxes with drawings of landmarks, interesting facts about Dublin and a map of where in the city you are and what interesting things there are nearby to visit. Though mostly aimed at tourists, the ‘interesting … There’s more

Send a Culchie to Oz

Excuse me while I hijack Culch.ie for a moment, but we need you. Two of our Culch.ie writers are in the running for a trip away to Sydney and with your help, we can send one of them there. Lottie and Anthony and a bunch of British bloggers were invited to London by New South Wales Tourism, where they were told about a very exciting competition. I tagged along to document the event. Each week, the contestants are set a new challenge by 1000Heads and New South Wales Tourism. The first week saw them partake in a quasi-sports challenge (check out Lottie’s post her and Anto’s post here). Lottie thought the second challenge, Fashion Week, would be a doddle, but was late with her entry, giving Anto the upper hand. But this is not a competition between Anthony and Lottie - there’s a lot more bloggers involved. So, our Culch.ie … There’s more