Events: FirstFortnight kicks off tomorrow with Delorentos/Tieranniesaur @ The Workman’s for €5

Our New Year’s resolution here in Culch Towers is to be more deadly. More deadly, you see, because we’re already a degree of deadly. (1% is still a percentage, friends.) First on the list is to go to more gigs in 2012… so step up FirstFortnight you are all over our radar. The 10-day festival (now in its third year, though it’s first time out as a 10-dayer) is a mental health-based arts festival full of live music, spoken word, theatre and film events. The organisers say they expect the first two weeks of January to become synonymous with mental health awareness and ending stigma and if dancing to Tieranniesaur is the way to do that, we’re all over it. Kicking off tomorrow night in The Workman’s Club (say it with us now y’all: Culch is gay for The Workman’s) the first of the Therapy Sessions is just €5 and … There’s more

Music Video: We Cut Corners - Go Easy (NSFW)

I’m not sure what exactly the director is trying to say with this video, it seems like boobs for boobs sake to me but it’s in black and white so I guess that makes it art. The song itself is excellent and bodes well for We Cut Corners forthcoming album ‘Today I Realised I Could Go Home Backwards.’ The album will be released on the Delphi label in the next couple of months but you can content yourself by downloading the single for free from