Damian Corless: 9000 Years of Irish Weather
Never heard of Damian Corless ? Say Collins Press, Damian Corless, [is] a journalist and a former editor of Magill and In Dublin, currently contributes to the Irish Independent. He has written comedy sketches for BBC TV’s classic Big Train and RTE’s award-winning Stew. His acclaimed books include The Greatest Bleeding Hearts Racket In The World…. As he says himself, I have no idea what an isobar is…. But he will happily tell you how the Irish won a war by doing nothing, how Cork had it’s revenge on and [sort of] killed Cromwell and the wonderful story of the Mayo postmaster who delayed the D-Day landings by 24 hours and changed what is now world history, to name but a few. And though the book has flip all to do with Irish weather technically speaking or with gardening, I angled it onto The Sodshow, in part because the weather … There’s more