Review: Iron Man 2

I’ve been looking forward to this one for quite a while as most of the geeks around the world have. In that context I know a lot of you will be conscious of having the movie spoiled by divulging too much. I was very lucky to see the film without having seen any reviews before but it’s almost impossible to review this fully without going into detail. So I’ll give a quick opinion in the next paragraph and then go on to the full review. Did it live up to expectations considering they were so high universally? Not for me. In terms of what I was expecting, Iron Man 2 suffered from middle film syndrome. I’ll explain that. There’s just a bit too much going on. We know Iron Man (the ever excellent Downey Jnr.) but we’re introduced to two new villains, more members of SHIELD, a senate committee and … There’s more

Seriously cool – New interactive trailer for Iron Man 2

Ramping up the anticipation level for a summer release? Well look no further than Paramount Pictures and Marvel whose new interactive trailer for Iron Man 2 sets a new bar for killer marketing. This new interactive trailer contains certain highlights from the original feature trailer and allows you to click on embedded hotspots in order to learn more about specific parts of the film, including the suit itself, the Expo and more. This is shaping up to be one of the movies of the decade. Cannot wait!

Movie News 08/04/09

Since it ended in 2003, there’s been plenty of speculation about a Buffy movie, but it seems that Sarah Michelle Gellar has now been approached to reprise her role. O. M. G. Al Pacino is set to play Napoleon Bonaparte in an adaptation of the children’s book, Betsy & The Emperor. Hoo-ha! Gore Verbinski director of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies has decided to drop out of the franchise. Instead he will try to kick off a new franchise with a video game adaptation, Bioshock. Two Gary’s (or is it Garies?) have joined the cast of Iron Man 2. Both Gary Shandling and Gary Oldman are now on board. Kal Penn, the dude from House and Harold and Kumar, is going to go work for Obama. No seriously! He’s quit acting and accepted a post as the associate director in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental … There’s more

Movie News 07/04/09

Jennifer Garner and Butter. No, not as exciting as you might think, but mildly interesting all the same – she’s starring in a political satire which follows a young orphan adopted by a couple in the American Midwest who discovers she has a hidden talent. She’s a genius at carving sculptures from butter and must compete with the wife of her town’s former carving champion in the annual competition. According to the writer, Jason Micallef, he “wanted to do a political satire and…was looking for some venue that people take very seriously but is also ridiculous – like politics – but at the same time is really visual.” JJ Abrahms’ new comedy (he produces, while Roger Michell directs) has an impressive cast list. Morning Glory has Jeff Goldblum as the boss of an aspiring news producer, Rachel McAdams, who must save a failing morning TV show by keeping in check … There’s more