Competition Closed: Eclipse Soundtrack!

The 9th of July is a date probably already marked in the calendar of most ‘Twilight’ fans. It marks the release of ‘Eclipse’, the third film from the ‘Twilight’ series and offers what some fans consider to be the highest point of the story. There’s more

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Review

As a fan of the books, it’s difficult to write a review of this film as a stand alone, but I’ll give it my best. Releasing nationwide in Ireland today, New Moon has been hugely anticipated by Twilighters since the release of the first film Twilight last November. A cult like following has developed for the main cast and in particular Robert Pattinson, who plays infamous heart throb, Edward Cullen. New Moon is the second instalment in Stephenie Meyers phenomenally successful THE TWILIGHT SERIES . Picking up where the first one left off, New Moon sees the romance between mortal Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) soar to a new level. Things seems to be going along blissfully until an accident at Bella’s 18th birthday party forces Edward to leave the town of Forks forever. Bella is truly devastated by Edwards departure and finds comfort with childhood friend … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously establishing who in Jaysus’s name Carrie Prejean is, so you don’t have to. There’s no particular theme to this week’s Jaw, so fans of order and propriety, log off now. Celebrities are creatures of chaos; they inhabit a world where law and order is but a TV show to be peppered with clumsy cameos. They’re hardly going to co-ordinate their stupidity for the likes of me. Besides, most of them have been horrifically boring this week, or horrific non-entities, making them boring by default (I can’t imagine anyone cares whether or not Jordan’s boobs contract malaria). Now that we’ve all gagged on that mental image, we can press on. The latest name in esteemed idiocy is, of course, Calvin Harris. Calvin, head embellished with a pineapple, stormed the stage during John and Edward’s performance on last week’s X Factor with such panache, such focus, that I didn’t even notice … There’s more

Twilight Spoof #5764

There’s been some pretty hilarious content turned out by the Saturday Night Live gang over in the States: not only did we have Tina Fey starring as Sarah Palin, but without SNL, we also wouldn’t have The Lonely Island giving us “Jizz In My Pants” or “I’m On A Boat” or even 30 Rock. This week, guest host Taylor Swift shot the trailer below, a hilarious spoof on the Twilight franchise, all about choking people…by accident. Check it out soon before the American overlords decide it’s unfit for viewing this side of the Atlantic. I’m not going to include any 30 Rock videos, because you should already be watching it, but just in case you’ve never seen any of The Lonely Island’s videos… (and viewer discretion is advised…)

Can’t Hardly Wait (for this movie to end)

Post Clueless and Empire Records and pre American Pie and 10 Things I Hate About You, in 1998 the movie Can’t Hardly Wait made a total non-impression upon me. So much so that I had forgotten the entire plot. Yet as I “accidentally” ended up re-watching it late last night, one thing kept me completely glued to the screen - the incredible number of current Hollywood actors and actresses that seemed to be just starting off their careers in this god awful teen comedy. A 19 year old Jennifer Love Hewitt plays Amanda the typical prom queen and love interest. I must admit her acting skills have come quite a long way since this display of what can only be described as “breathing” her emotions on the screen. Who needs facial expressions or laughter when you can sigh your way through an entire movie. It reminded me of the Adam … There’s more

Movie News 14/04/09

Well, with the Easter hiatus, I have loads and loads of movie news to catch up on, including a shed load of trailers. Check out the new trailer for Michael Mann’s Public Enemies: It looks like the hit Broadway musical, Spring Awakening, which I think is a pile of steaming crap, is coming to the big screen with Terminator Salvation’s director, McG, in charge. Odd! In more Ghostbusters news, Dan Aykroyd (whose name I constantly have to check the spelling of) has hinted that there will be a number of new Ghostbusting recruits under the wing of mentors Ray, Egon, Venkman and Winston. Aykroyd has said there will “lots of cadets”. This could be good news for the storyline. Further evidence from a TV spot that Terminator Salvation is likely to have a measily PG-13 rating: